contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.


PHONE:         707-748-4499

Business Hours:          Monday – Friday

                                               8:00am – 6pm PST


San Francisco, CA

(707) 332-5000

Matrix Point, Inc. is a business performance, team leadership and coaching consultancy. We are experts in helping our clients align business and operational planning, technical expertise, and culture to accomplish significant business change results.



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What we do

Leading is no longer just for those with a title. It is a must for everyone. And the success of your leaders is imperative for the success of your organization.

We help your experts become expert leaders by developing two components we have learned are vital to their success. We call these "Leader Personality " and "Leader Thinking ". We have developed a model to build both.

We help you and your leaders use Leader Personality and Leader Thinking to transform the outcomes that you, your team, and your organization achieve.

Where would you like to create a better result for you or your organization?
Do any of these....png
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Dealing with something different?

Check out some of our past projects or contact us to discuss.